I personally don't think investing in a figure is a good method of investing. But it's a justification for why someone might want to do it. You could make the assumption that he means well for the ecosystem from his sponsoring Fantom-centric publicity and his parent company running validator nodes.
The Tomb Model is not sustainable alone as I've written before regarding their bonds. Betting on Tomb requires a constant push for reasons to buy more whether from existing investors or new investors (such as through airdrops/new features/etc). So really, if you're using Tomb to farm yield, you're also betting that Harry and his team can carry the project on their backs and maintain the peg. But let's be real, no one really cares about the rest of the Tomb team.
If you think that his erratic behaviour is a sign of poor character/leadership ability or just that he may kill the system on a whim, then that's a risk that you can fairly associate to the whole project. In fact, I agree with you 100%. He is erratic and pretty eccentric, just take a look at those keynote speeches and his messages in telegram and discord.
I really don't care whether someone wants to play this game or not and I have zero intention of telling anyone what to do with their money. I just explore how projects work and different ways to play them.